Asheville High School Cougar Booster Club
May 9th, 2016 5:30pm
AHS Alumni Conference Room
Opening comments: Introductions / Name your student athlete / Your Booster Role
In Attendance / email address / Role
In Attendance:
Rebecca Tucker
Sara Metzger
Melanie Robertson
Annie Orr
Lance Abernathy
Joyce Best
Denise Turner [email protected] / Running Programs
Lucy Sawyer
Bryce Sloan
2015-2016 Executive Board
President - Rebecca Tucker
Vice-President - Sara Metzger
Secretary - Lucy Sawyer
Treasurer - Annie Orr
Membership - Nancy Hutchins
Banners - Ashley Maag
Programs - Rebecca Tucker
Concessions - Melanie Robertson
Cougar Wear - Shannon O’Neil
Athletic Director - Lance Abernathy
Principal - Joyce Best
Current Board Members at large
Banners - Erin Mosher, Jill Jones
Concessions - Donna Stringer, Craig Hall, Josh Tager, Amy Parker
Cougar Wear - Bryce & Steve Sloan
Spring Sport Representatives
Baseball Team Parent - Tracey Whitehouse
Women’s Soccer Team Parent - via Coach Flow
Men’s Golf Team Parent - Jim Taylor
Men’s Tennis Team Parent - Amy Kelso
Track Team Parent - Denise Turner
Softball Team Parent - via Coach Richard Gabriel [email protected]
Mission statement
The Asheville High School Cougar Boosters is a registered 501c(3) organization of parents, staff, alumni, and friends linked by a common desire to support the student athletes of our school. Our primary purpose is to aid and encourage the development of the AHS athletic program both financially and as volunteers in its activities. We strive to enrich every student’s high school experience by promoting school spirit and encouraging athletic participation.
Corporate Business:
. Bylaws - Click here for Link to Bylaws in progress
. comments
Secretary’s Report:
Each additional immediate family member season sport pass - $50 each
Renew the Family Pass - $125 Family membership – same as above for the second year of membership/ renewable for the entire time your child is attending Asheville High.
Individual Cougar Pass - $75 Individual membership – Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017.
Student Cougar Pass - $50 - Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017. Student passes are meant for students that do not have parents purchasing an annual pass.
* 60+ home games with a ticket fee of $5 -$6 Actual Cash Value of each pass exceeds $300 *
Treasurer’s Report:
Board Reports:
. Cougar Combo success, ($6/ 2 hotdogs, chips and drink)
. Seeking a source for prepacked salads to offer at the concessions and other healthy *choices; i.e. hummus/chips or fruit cups (Sams has both)
Cougar Wear
. Coach Burdette - Took the ball and ran with it! He and Rebecca Tucker will be the organizational point persons
. The full-color programs will be handed out free of charge at our football games, and GameDay Media will pay the Booster Club $2500.
. Eaken Howard - AHS student photographer will provide some candid shots
. More action shots needed of the team sports…
. Send action shots to David Burdette or Rebecca Tucker - Preferred deadline 5/30
Web Site
. Met 4/23 with the designer and forwarded information formats and pictures
. next conference 5/7
“Unsung Hero” Scholarship- that is what coach Metcalf called his award.
Next Meeting: Monday, August 8th at 5:30 June 13th at 5:30pm
Adjournment 6:40pm
Committees: Meet ad hoc as needed prior to August - Please forward progress notes
Dear Parents of Student Athletes,
Welcome to the Cougar Family! We know how important a healthy and vibrant athletic program is to you because we are also the proud parents of student athletes. We have seen the coaches’ struggle with the constraints of limited funds and we have organized to support the people who support our children.
The AHS Boosters raise the money that makes our sports programs great and we need your help. Money raised through the sale of Booster Member Passes (that give the owner free admission to AHS sporting events), concessions, Cougar Wear, and advertising banners, goes to fund equipment purchases and facility improvements above and beyond the athletic budget.
All parents of student athletes are asked to volunteer as they are able. Volunteering not only supports our student athletes and athletic programming, it is a powerful way to show your Cougar pride and get to know other Cougar parents.
Please specify your availability and interest below:
_____ I will serve as a Booster Club
Board Member
_____ I will help sell concessions
during games.
_____ I will sell Booster Memberships.
_____ I will sell “Cougar Wear.”
_____ I will help organize the sports
_____ Call me as needed.
_____ I have another idea for how I
can help
Contact Information:
Parents’ Names:
Athlete’s Name: Sport:
Preferred phone contact Name: Number:
Preferred email:
For more information email us at [email protected]
Welcome Cougar Boosters!
The Cougar Boosters volunteer to raise money for the purpose of supporting all student athletes at Asheville High. 100% of funds raised go to the athletic department to be spread across the sports as needed. All donations are tax deductible as the Boosters are a 501c(3) Not-for-Profit organization. The majority of money is raised in three ways –
Each additional immediate family member season sport pass - $50 each
Renew the Family Pass - $125 Family membership – same as above for the second year of membership/ renewable for the entire time your child is attending Asheville High.
Individual Cougar Pass - $75 Individual membership – Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017.
Student Cougar Pass - $50 - Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017. Student passes are meant for students that do not have parents purchasing an annual pass.
** 60+ home games with a ticket fee of $5 -$6 Actual Cash Value of each pass exceeds $300 **
. Under discussion: limit the number of family members? Limiting doesn’t feel right to me. It feels like judgement for “choosing” to have a large family. We also feel the same (of course we have 4 kiddos)
This is tough for me too since we have had such a big family. Many of the other schools do limit it to 4 and then you pay for extra. The problem is often the extras
Are younger. In my case they were older this year but I was glad to have the pass and we spent plenty in concessions. I am not sure it is worth what it might cause in concern from others.
. Finalize the membership categories
Re: student pass: Could this be a student or senior pass and let grandparents get this?
I ask because I know we let some grandparent couples have the pass for the $75 last year. Otherwise
A couple pays more than a family renewal.
. Find the lifetime membership plaque in the gym
Has anyone seen this? There should be a conversation with Mack Salley or Charlene
As to what this entitled.
. Rising 9th grader football meeting May 11th - Sara and Rebecca to attend
. Cougar Combo success
This was a great idea!
Steve and I even talked about getting a dog tag, sticker or lanyard with a meal deal- it may be too hard to manage but everyone loves free swag!
. Seeking a source for prepacked salads to offer at the concessions and other healthy choices; i.e. hummus/chips or fruit cups (Sams has both) I LOVE THIS idea I worked the concession stand during men’s soccer season and noticed folks looking for something/anything healthy! I bought (from Sams) and donated individually packaged almonds and pistachios.
Loretta’s, Del Veccio’s and Chic Fil a all do prepackaged salads for Mission’s coffee shops and might be options to check out.
I am happy to talk to Robert at Chick Fil A. He is really supportive of all the schools.
It’s incredible what they do there. There has got to be a way to find more of the heatlhy
I love the healthy idea, especially prepackaged salads
*Junior football league playing one - two games on the Cougar field, how to make this a “win-win” as a community service and added exposure for the mission of AHS boosters plus some profit.
*Fall concessions strategy to staff each home game for football and basketball:
Team “captains” will be assigned to scheduled games and will oversee parents who are part of the 50/50 plan and other “off-season” parents to run the stand. These captains will be folks who have been trained in set-up and clean-up and should only need to serve at the most two - three times. The goal is to have as many folks sharing the “load” as possible by communicating earlier to all parents and coaches our booster “expectations.” (I will have a schematic put together that better explains this.)
*Sign-up genius seems to have worked well.
Could we use a QR code to link signupgenius better or any other info?
All present inventory will need to be “sold,” “given away,” or “thrown out.” We can’t keep any food or drinks over the summer. The area will need to be cleaned well before closing up.
Cougar Wear
. Purchases
. MyTown Originals
. Asheville High art teacher - test shirts
I think we should try to order new T's, hoodies & hats soon so we have them the beginning of the school year. With school starting so late in Aug I think there could possibly be football games before school starts. I know there will be 4 soccer games before school even starts!
It would also be nice to have it to sell for Freshman orientation nights and the mandatory parent Fall sports meeting.
WE should definitely get on to ordering new gear soon so is ready to go at very first event in the fall. Totally agree with Bryce! We do have several games before school next year. Wish we could still explore how to get cougar wear more available to students to buy at school. Is there any way we could work with Cougar Nation on this?
Student Government was really wanting to have this available last fall.
I have given Steven Buys some Cougarwear to sell through student government store. If Cougar Nation can partner with us that would be great too.
. Coach Burdette - Took the ball and ran with it! He and Rebecca Tucker will be the organizational point persons
. The full-color programs will be handed out free of charge at our football games, and GameDay Media will pay the Booster Club $2500.
This is incredible. So we don’t have to charge and we actually get PAID to hand it out??
I think you said it is all about sponsors, sponsors, sponsors!
. Eaken Howard - AHS student photographer will provide some candid shots
. More action shots needed of the team sports… who do we send pictures to if we have or can get action shots & when are they needed by?
. Send action shots to David Burdette or Rebecca Tucker - Preferred deadline 5/30
Will this info be sent out to all teams?
. Any thoughts?
Did we leave this with still needing a chair?
I know we would all love William Irby to head this up but we may have to leave this for another year
RE: Membership info sheets
THis is great to add the sport, also add grades for athletes
Some families have multiple athletes
Place for names/grades of all children
Most people put that on but as I went through them I realized how helpful it would
Have been to have the grade/and sport
Asheville High School Cougar Booster Club
May 9th, 2016 5:30pm
AHS Alumni Conference Room
Opening comments: Introductions / Name your student athlete / Your Booster Role
In Attendance / email address / Role
In Attendance:
Rebecca Tucker
Sara Metzger
Melanie Robertson
Annie Orr
Lance Abernathy
Joyce Best
Denise Turner [email protected] / Running Programs
Lucy Sawyer
Bryce Sloan
2015-2016 Executive Board
President - Rebecca Tucker
Vice-President - Sara Metzger
Secretary - Lucy Sawyer
Treasurer - Annie Orr
Membership - Nancy Hutchins
Banners - Ashley Maag
Programs - Rebecca Tucker
Concessions - Melanie Robertson
Cougar Wear - Shannon O’Neil
Athletic Director - Lance Abernathy
Principal - Joyce Best
Current Board Members at large
Banners - Erin Mosher, Jill Jones
Concessions - Donna Stringer, Craig Hall, Josh Tager, Amy Parker
Cougar Wear - Bryce & Steve Sloan
Spring Sport Representatives
Baseball Team Parent - Tracey Whitehouse
Women’s Soccer Team Parent - via Coach Flow
Men’s Golf Team Parent - Jim Taylor
Men’s Tennis Team Parent - Amy Kelso
Track Team Parent - Denise Turner
Softball Team Parent - via Coach Richard Gabriel [email protected]
Mission statement
The Asheville High School Cougar Boosters is a registered 501c(3) organization of parents, staff, alumni, and friends linked by a common desire to support the student athletes of our school. Our primary purpose is to aid and encourage the development of the AHS athletic program both financially and as volunteers in its activities. We strive to enrich every student’s high school experience by promoting school spirit and encouraging athletic participation.
Corporate Business:
. Bylaws - Click here for Link to Bylaws in progress
. comments
- Re: bonding treasurer & annual audits
Secretary’s Report:
- Information sheets - See pages 5 & 6 of agenda
- Agreed to proceed with 2 sided info sheet Parent Info Sheet
- Agreed that $225 family memberships are limited to 5 people but that families that previously bought family passes are grandfathered in if they have renewed passes annually.
- Reviewed and agreed to fee structure:
- Agreed to proceed with 2 sided info sheet Parent Info Sheet
Each additional immediate family member season sport pass - $50 each
Renew the Family Pass - $125 Family membership – same as above for the second year of membership/ renewable for the entire time your child is attending Asheville High.
Individual Cougar Pass - $75 Individual membership – Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017.
Student Cougar Pass - $50 - Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017. Student passes are meant for students that do not have parents purchasing an annual pass.
* 60+ home games with a ticket fee of $5 -$6 Actual Cash Value of each pass exceeds $300 *
- Agreed to amend student pass to “Student or Grandparent pass” and will state that student must be a current AHS/SILSA students.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Treasurer report: Annie gave profits loss report.
- Currently $35,000 in account
- Annie asked that a new treasurer be recruited that she can mentor through football season and rotate off.
Board Reports:
- Nancy would like to mentor someone and rotate off ASAP
- Phrasing is everything
- Pass holder fundraiser: - see secretary's report
- Pass holder fundraiser: - see secretary's report
- Find the lifetime membership plaque in the gym
- Rebecca has two plaques - no lifetime memberships sold since 2000
- Rebecca has two plaques - no lifetime memberships sold since 2000
- Rising 9th grader football meeting May 11th - Sara and Rebecca to attend
- Lucy will finish info sheet (see Secretary’s report)
- Lucy will finish info sheet (see Secretary’s report)
. Cougar Combo success, ($6/ 2 hotdogs, chips and drink)
. Seeking a source for prepacked salads to offer at the concessions and other healthy *choices; i.e. hummus/chips or fruit cups (Sams has both)
- Discussion about increasing pricing of Chic-Fil-A tabled for summer,
- Discussion about allowing students in the concession stand
- Pros - more help; responsibility,
- Cons - health dept?; students being accused of stealing?
- Pros - more help; responsibility,
- Voted yes on Melanie purchasing Sam’s membership for $100
- Annie directed her to give receipt for reimbursement
- Annie directed her to give receipt for reimbursement
- No update
Cougar Wear
- Bryce said there is a need to order stock
- Asheville High art teacher still needs to test the dri-fit shirts but there is a hold up on finding out if AHS art dept can screen t-shirt; b/c Coach Abernathy shared that Nancy Oliver is out on personal leave
- Bryce will send Coach an email with order details
- Coach Abernathy will check on his ability to procure t-shirts that are a 50/50 blend
- Asheville High art teacher still needs to test the dri-fit shirts but there is a hold up on finding out if AHS art dept can screen t-shirt; b/c Coach Abernathy shared that Nancy Oliver is out on personal leave
- Purchases
- Voted yes on purchasing easy up, rolling cart , & shelf system
- Bryce will order online
- Voted yes on purchasing easy up, rolling cart , & shelf system
- MyTown Originals - no update - tabled
. Coach Burdette - Took the ball and ran with it! He and Rebecca Tucker will be the organizational point persons
. The full-color programs will be handed out free of charge at our football games, and GameDay Media will pay the Booster Club $2500.
. Eaken Howard - AHS student photographer will provide some candid shots
. More action shots needed of the team sports…
. Send action shots to David Burdette or Rebecca Tucker - Preferred deadline 5/30
Web Site
. Met 4/23 with the designer and forwarded information formats and pictures
. next conference 5/7
- Boosters not taking this on for 16-17
- Will discuss taking this on for future years
- Soccer penalty kick fundraiser 5/2/16
- youth night happened but did not do soccer penalty kick due to weather
- To whom do we extend our thanks ?
- Coach Abernathy said this came from Coach Flow and ABYSA and was a last minute idea pulled together
- Coach Abernathy said this came from Coach Flow and ABYSA and was a last minute idea pulled together
- youth night happened but did not do soccer penalty kick due to weather
“Unsung Hero” Scholarship- that is what coach Metcalf called his award.
- tabled
- Q foundation dropped the football team - so banner sales especially important
- First home games are early August - before school starts
- Fall Sport Mandatory Parent meeting - date?
- Food trucks?
- Run it the same as last year?
- Sell cougar wear?
- Send Booster reps to all sports reps?
- Food trucks?
- Coach Abernathy will be updating AHS sports calendar soon
Next Meeting: Monday, August 8th at 5:30 June 13th at 5:30pm
Adjournment 6:40pm
Committees: Meet ad hoc as needed prior to August - Please forward progress notes
Dear Parents of Student Athletes,
Welcome to the Cougar Family! We know how important a healthy and vibrant athletic program is to you because we are also the proud parents of student athletes. We have seen the coaches’ struggle with the constraints of limited funds and we have organized to support the people who support our children.
The AHS Boosters raise the money that makes our sports programs great and we need your help. Money raised through the sale of Booster Member Passes (that give the owner free admission to AHS sporting events), concessions, Cougar Wear, and advertising banners, goes to fund equipment purchases and facility improvements above and beyond the athletic budget.
All parents of student athletes are asked to volunteer as they are able. Volunteering not only supports our student athletes and athletic programming, it is a powerful way to show your Cougar pride and get to know other Cougar parents.
Please specify your availability and interest below:
_____ I will serve as a Booster Club
Board Member
_____ I will help sell concessions
during games.
_____ I will sell Booster Memberships.
_____ I will sell “Cougar Wear.”
_____ I will help organize the sports
_____ Call me as needed.
_____ I have another idea for how I
can help
Contact Information:
Parents’ Names:
Athlete’s Name: Sport:
Preferred phone contact Name: Number:
Preferred email:
For more information email us at [email protected]
Welcome Cougar Boosters!
The Cougar Boosters volunteer to raise money for the purpose of supporting all student athletes at Asheville High. 100% of funds raised go to the athletic department to be spread across the sports as needed. All donations are tax deductible as the Boosters are a 501c(3) Not-for-Profit organization. The majority of money is raised in three ways –
- __________ Pass holder fundraiser:
Each additional immediate family member season sport pass - $50 each
Renew the Family Pass - $125 Family membership – same as above for the second year of membership/ renewable for the entire time your child is attending Asheville High.
Individual Cougar Pass - $75 Individual membership – Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017.
Student Cougar Pass - $50 - Receive one (Non-transferrable) sports pass to every regular season home game in every sport for 2016-2017. Student passes are meant for students that do not have parents purchasing an annual pass.
** 60+ home games with a ticket fee of $5 -$6 Actual Cash Value of each pass exceeds $300 **
- _________ Concessions fundraiser:
- _________ Sponsor Banner Sales:
. Under discussion: limit the number of family members? Limiting doesn’t feel right to me. It feels like judgement for “choosing” to have a large family. We also feel the same (of course we have 4 kiddos)
This is tough for me too since we have had such a big family. Many of the other schools do limit it to 4 and then you pay for extra. The problem is often the extras
Are younger. In my case they were older this year but I was glad to have the pass and we spent plenty in concessions. I am not sure it is worth what it might cause in concern from others.
. Finalize the membership categories
Re: student pass: Could this be a student or senior pass and let grandparents get this?
I ask because I know we let some grandparent couples have the pass for the $75 last year. Otherwise
A couple pays more than a family renewal.
. Find the lifetime membership plaque in the gym
Has anyone seen this? There should be a conversation with Mack Salley or Charlene
As to what this entitled.
. Rising 9th grader football meeting May 11th - Sara and Rebecca to attend
. Cougar Combo success
This was a great idea!
Steve and I even talked about getting a dog tag, sticker or lanyard with a meal deal- it may be too hard to manage but everyone loves free swag!
. Seeking a source for prepacked salads to offer at the concessions and other healthy choices; i.e. hummus/chips or fruit cups (Sams has both) I LOVE THIS idea I worked the concession stand during men’s soccer season and noticed folks looking for something/anything healthy! I bought (from Sams) and donated individually packaged almonds and pistachios.
Loretta’s, Del Veccio’s and Chic Fil a all do prepackaged salads for Mission’s coffee shops and might be options to check out.
I am happy to talk to Robert at Chick Fil A. He is really supportive of all the schools.
It’s incredible what they do there. There has got to be a way to find more of the heatlhy
I love the healthy idea, especially prepackaged salads
*Junior football league playing one - two games on the Cougar field, how to make this a “win-win” as a community service and added exposure for the mission of AHS boosters plus some profit.
*Fall concessions strategy to staff each home game for football and basketball:
Team “captains” will be assigned to scheduled games and will oversee parents who are part of the 50/50 plan and other “off-season” parents to run the stand. These captains will be folks who have been trained in set-up and clean-up and should only need to serve at the most two - three times. The goal is to have as many folks sharing the “load” as possible by communicating earlier to all parents and coaches our booster “expectations.” (I will have a schematic put together that better explains this.)
*Sign-up genius seems to have worked well.
Could we use a QR code to link signupgenius better or any other info?
All present inventory will need to be “sold,” “given away,” or “thrown out.” We can’t keep any food or drinks over the summer. The area will need to be cleaned well before closing up.
Cougar Wear
. Purchases
. MyTown Originals
. Asheville High art teacher - test shirts
I think we should try to order new T's, hoodies & hats soon so we have them the beginning of the school year. With school starting so late in Aug I think there could possibly be football games before school starts. I know there will be 4 soccer games before school even starts!
It would also be nice to have it to sell for Freshman orientation nights and the mandatory parent Fall sports meeting.
WE should definitely get on to ordering new gear soon so is ready to go at very first event in the fall. Totally agree with Bryce! We do have several games before school next year. Wish we could still explore how to get cougar wear more available to students to buy at school. Is there any way we could work with Cougar Nation on this?
Student Government was really wanting to have this available last fall.
I have given Steven Buys some Cougarwear to sell through student government store. If Cougar Nation can partner with us that would be great too.
. Coach Burdette - Took the ball and ran with it! He and Rebecca Tucker will be the organizational point persons
. The full-color programs will be handed out free of charge at our football games, and GameDay Media will pay the Booster Club $2500.
This is incredible. So we don’t have to charge and we actually get PAID to hand it out??
I think you said it is all about sponsors, sponsors, sponsors!
. Eaken Howard - AHS student photographer will provide some candid shots
. More action shots needed of the team sports… who do we send pictures to if we have or can get action shots & when are they needed by?
. Send action shots to David Burdette or Rebecca Tucker - Preferred deadline 5/30
Will this info be sent out to all teams?
. Any thoughts?
Did we leave this with still needing a chair?
I know we would all love William Irby to head this up but we may have to leave this for another year
RE: Membership info sheets
THis is great to add the sport, also add grades for athletes
Some families have multiple athletes
Place for names/grades of all children
Most people put that on but as I went through them I realized how helpful it would
Have been to have the grade/and sport